This blog started as an outlet for me to complain about my parents and living in the suburbs of Northern Virginia. I had been writing "blogs" on my Myspace page until then and wanted a larger format. It began the summer before my senior year of high school, followed me through all the days I skipped of said year and all the things I lied about to my parents; then the move to Richmond to attend Virginia Commonwealth University, to my move into my first apartment, to my flunking out of VCU and attending community college, to my second apartment and dropping out of community college and the move into my current apartment.
I was raised Mormon by two converts, my mother was raised Presbyterian and my dad was raised Southern Baptist. Of my four siblings and myself, only one of my brothers and his family still practice Mormonism, the rest of us enjoy doing things on Sundays and not being held to a ridiculous standard. I am not anti-Mormon, not even in the least. I respect people's right to believe whatever they choose, I just wish they respected my right to do the same. I began questioning the Church in middle school and had enough Mormon friends that I didn't mind going until I moved out of my parents' house. I know attend a couple times a year at Christmas and Mother's day. Mormons really like showing off their giant families on holidays, mine is no different, so I appease my parents.
While attending high school I was able to take several engineering classes - I wanted to be an architect, but found that I don't enjoy anything about using Auto-CAD or Visio. However, I am still slightly obcessed with Frank Lloyd Wright. After that didn't work out, I had a bunch of elective courses to fill, which led me to Cosmetology. I was one of two girls in the class to be taking AP courses, and one of six white girls. While there I was close with all of my English teachers, all of whom encouraged me to write, and most of whom I'm still in touch with.
During my senior year of high school I started writing for the DC based blog Brightest Young Things, I used that as a keystone to contributing to every other publication I have since then. They allowed me to write whatever and however I wanted; it was my first experience receiving negative feedback in a public forum. I learned to develop a thick skin regarding my writing.
When I moved to Richmond I had every intention of getting a degree in Mass Communications, but after bouts of depression, and major anxiety that didn't exactly work out. In retrospect I would have taken a year off before going to college, but at the time I just wanted to move out and didn't have the balls to do it on my own. After each failure, whether academically or failed relationships, romantic and otherwise, I've come out much better. I've learned and moved on.
On any given night I can be seen dancing around my apartment from the alley located behind my apartment building, or at a small, dirty bar full of townies, or at a show taking pictures of the writing in the bathroom stalls. I like really melancholy lyrics about unrequited love, but set to a beat I can dance to. I listen to The Cure, The Smiths/Morrissey, The Shout Out Louds and Lykke Li most of the time (this hasn't changed in about two years).
One day, I'll finish my degree, but probably not in Mass Communications, and definitely not in Virginia. Eventually I'd like to get paid to write for Vanity Fair and Vogue, or really any Conde Nast publication. Anna Wintour and I share the same birthday, November 3rd, I like to think of it as a sign. I believe in signs.
I'll tell you the truth.